This is a detailed discussion of endometriosis, including its symptoms, causes, and treatment, including dietary recommendations, exercises, hydrotherapy, and herbal remedies.
The life-impacting and painful disorder called endometriosis is common and increasing in frequency. Although conventionally managed with a range of painkillers and hormonal meds, natural and simple remedies exist. This article discusses them.
What are the effects of exercise on the mind? Is it always positive, not matter how intense the activity? Or is there a temperance principle involved in obtaining a positive outcome?
This is a must-read for women, especially those in their 30s to 50s. Globally, women experiencing uterine fibroids has increased: over 226 million in 2019. This discussion focuses not only on what fibroids are but also what can be done to treat them naturally. An interesting case study is included.
This briefing provides step-by-step instruction for the massage that follows the tune-up chair massage. It includes the occipital friction massage and massages for the scalp, forehead, ear, finger, nose bridge, and the cheek.
Associated with improved health and longer lifespans, intermittent fasting has gained much attention and respectability, even popularity nearing that of calorie counting and plant-based diets. This brief discussion offers important advice for a successful fasting experience.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition that affects the babies of expectant mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy. Learn about the syndrome in this interesting article.
Learn, in this short article, about fever blisters (also known as "cold sores"), some of their causes (including sunburn), and a simple-but-very-effective treatment.
Fibrositis, fibromyalgia, and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome are all names for the same syndrome according to some researchers, only with different manifestations in different people.
Though we may never stray in "more serious" areas of life, we're often tempted to compromise and go against our convictions when it comes to health principles (especially when under peer pressure). Read on, to see why that's just as dangerous as falling into "worse" sins.
Since it's a law of the mind that established habits are "reinforced" with each repetition, and that habits denied tend to undergo "extinction" the following 5-day regimen can accomplish both on the "stop smoking" journey.
Are you one who typically takes over-the-counter or prescription flu medications? This discussion is for you. These details teach simple breathing exercises and advise drinking a prescribed amount of water within a period of time, as well as other preventive methods of dealing with flu symptoms.
The word "fomentations" is not commonly used in everyday speech. But they are a common way of treating various ailments. Find out what they are and how to use them for improving health.
With food sensitivities becoming more common, many are opting to try eliminating certain foods, on a rotation basis, to determine the culprit(s). Find here a simple schedule.
Fats are concentrated foods and cannot be handled in the blood very readily. There are many diseases that are increased by a high level of fat. Learn here some of the serious factors involved.
What is one of the best treatments for a variety of ailments? A Full Body Pack (also known as a Blanket Pack). Find step-by-step instructions in the section below.
Fungus nails are related to athlete's foot and are often caused by the same fungus. This counseling sheet includes a treatment protocol and a source for obtaining a bottled formula.
Perhaps you've heard of the "NEWSTART" acronym? A similar one is "GOD'S PLANS." Find out here what each letter stands for in the quest for optimum health.
What are some of the causes of gallstones? What are some natural treatments for them? Is surgery necessary? Preferred? What are some lifestyle measures that can be taken to avoid them? Learn more in this article by Dr. Agatha Thrash.
Knowing the causes of gastritis can help many to prevent it. Knowing some treatments can help those who've succumbed to it. Find both in this short article by Dr. Agatha Thrash.
Learn what to do for GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) naturally, the treatment protocol and the spiritual component. Discover NEWSTART elements that can make an incredible difference.
Increased pressure within the eyeball is called glaucoma. It is the most common cause of blindness over the age of 65. It tends to run in families. Learn more, in this article, about the causes and natural treatments.
Pressure within the eye (intraocular pressure) which is higher than normal is called glaucoma. There are three types of glaucoma: angle closure, open-angle, and congenital. Learn more, including natural treatment options, in this article.
Have you or a loved one gone "gluten free" and are looking for alternatives to gluten-containing grains that were previously prepared? Learn the various benefits of incorporating the items on this list.
Grains represent the most important single item in the diet. It is important to study carefully how they should be cooked and used. This article provides such helpful information.
Some may think these warnings unnecessary; but God has shown me that they are necessary in every mission, in every college, in every institution that we have established. This article discusses the dangers of coquetry (and how to guard against it).
In this Q&A format article, Dr. Agatha answers a question that many others have had: Is hair analysis scientifically accurate or is it a scam? Her answer is interesting.
Why is cheese not the health food previously thought? What are the dangers in its use? Dare to read on. Find a healthful alternative and become victorious in the cheese challenge.
Headaches are not of themselves a disease, but always the reflection of disorders elsewhere in the body. Listed in this article are several prevention and treatment options.
"If those who are sick will give nerves and muscles and sinews proper exercise in the open air, their health will be renewed." Find those and other helpful quotes in this counseling sheet.
An estimated 75% of diabetics could be cured simply by following the Health Recovery Program outlined in this article and the General Principles for overall good health.
This article about the effects of high protein intake includes calcium loss, protein's effects on the immune system and kidneys, as well as a list of preventive measures.
It may shock you to learn that an almost endless train of disease results from unhealthful styles of dress, as organs are compressed, limbs are restricted, skin is marked by tight bands, and footgear causes improper alignments. Read this discussion to learn how this can be and avoid needlesuffering.
The Americans who have unwholesome diets also have the highest risk for heart disease. By studying the lifestyles of other countries, we have discovered many things to help us make our way of living more healthful. Learn more in this article.
In congestive heart failure, the heart is not able to pump out into the arteries all the blood that comes to it through the large veins. Learn in this article the symptoms of the condition and simple lifestyle measures to treat it.
Probably everyone has suffered from heartburn at one time or another. Causes of this irritation of the stomach and esophagus include alcohol, overeating, snacking, lying down after meals, taking pills without water, etc. Preventive measures are listed.
The heating compress is one of the simplest of the home remedies, and has a wide application. It is always surprising how effective this simple remedy is.
The "Helicobacter Pylori bacterium" has been found in over 60% of persons who have peptic ulcer, and is believed by some to be the cause of peptic ulcer. This counseling sheet lists ways to treat it.
"Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service of God supreme, will find perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet." (MH 481) That's just one in a list of inspired, encouraging quotes.
This inspired listing includes helpful verses from Scripture, with prayer, and Spirit of Prophecy quotes - all selected for the encouragement of souls seeking healing.
Fortunately, most cases of hepatitis are self-limiting and will heal with rest and supportive care. This counseling sheet provides some simple lifestyle measures and treatments for hepatitis.
Hepatitis C is a serious liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Find nutrition recommendations, herbal remedies, and hydrotherapy treatments in this article.
There are many herbal teas that have a good medicinal use and which are beneficial in a host of disorders. Listed in this article are steps to making teas, decoctions, and extracts, as well as which herbs to use for certain conditions.
Since drugs are a burden to the body, many people opt for herbal alternatives. The use of herbs is principally in cases of disease rather than when one is in good health.
Shingles is a word which means belt. Zoster means girdle. Blisters form in a band-like pattern. Learn more, and how to treat shingles naturally, in this article.
A hiatus or diaphragmatic hernia is the result of a weakness in the diaphragm as it fits around the lower end of the esophagus, allowing a portion of the stomach to slide up above the diaphragm. Learn in this article the common causes and natural treatments for the condition.
As humans, we're encouraged to "aim high." But "high" numbers in health isn't always a good thing. High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of death. Undiagnosed and untreated, it can wreak havoc on health. Learn more in this article.
It seems like such a simple thing ... placing feet in hot water. But what incredible results it brings! Find out why. And learn how to administer this simple-yet-effective treatment.
Who doesn't love some kind of pet? Few families have a no-pet policy. Yet, according to the details in this discussion, every parent, every family needs to rethink their decision about adding to the family from the furry animal kingdom. Here's why.
Vitamins, minerals, and delicious flavors are lost in preparing vegetables. Legumes and grains have to be cooked until tender or sprouted to be best utilized. Learn more in this counseling sheet about How to Cook Vegetables.
Many families exist without any form of family worship. Prayers tend to be said only before special meals, like Thanksgiving. Here is a format that you may want to incorporate in your family, whether you are new to family worship or not.
Provided here is a short-but-thorough list of lifestyle measures (some of which are surprising) that can strengthen overall health, including improving memory. Freely share.
Confused? When things seem to go wrong, have you ever wondered whether you really understood God's leading or whether it was really your own heart's desire that you followed? Do you desire how to know God's will without fail? Then these details are worth your while to prayerfully read and remember.
The average educational system does not teach the importance of dress from the perspective of body temperature for health and wellness. Neither does the fashion industry—and likely, it never will. This discussion does.
This discussion promotes healthful living. Advice on diet, the importance of regular daily patterns of sleep and other lifestyle routines, including suggestions for spiritual development, and recommended herbal teas and supplements are well outlined.
Here's a discussion every parent of hyperactive children will appreciate. From nutrition to discipline, from environmental factors to the age the child should be exposed to formal education: all and more provide helpful parental guidance.
This discussion of hypoglycemia may be a means to understand the condition in a way you may have never before imagined. Simple language. Quick read. Very informative. Enlightening. Worth the read. These express reader's responses. Read on.
This counseling sheet lists the equipment needed for applying an ice bag, cap, or collar as well as the simple instructions - the method and key points - to use when applying.
"Idle words" - What are they? What did Jesus mean when He used the term? Does it only refer to "meaningless phrases." Or do idle words include much more? Find out in this thought-provoking article.
Learn how to strengthen your immune system through lifestyle change and simple, inexpensive, and effective natural remedies that can be easily done at home.
Part of the ill effects of immunizations are due to inadequacies of the vaccines themselves. This balanced, scientific article shares some improvements but warns of the harmful implications of common vaccines.
Impetigo is the most frequent skin infection among children in which there are pus-filled eruptions. Learn some simple natural remedies and general recommendations.
Influenza (commonly abbreviated "flu") is a highly contagious disease, worldwide in extent. Find out what you and your loved ones can do to treat it (and even to prevent).
While some have no problem falling asleep, others struggle. Insomnia seems like no big deal - unless you've battled it. How easily do you fall asleep? Find out ways to improve this key ability.
The digestive system is accurately timed and does the most efficient work when kept on a regular schedule. By carefully heeding the instructions found in this article, you can feel much better and also avoid many illnesses.
Cluster headache relief is the focus of this very brief set of directions for addressing it without the use of pharmaceutical drug medications. Take a minute. It might be exactly what you (or someone you know) need.
Iron is one of the special interest nutrients that many Americans are taking for a supposed deficiency. Yet, the level of hemoglobin (blood iron) which most Americans carry appears to be too great for the most optimum health. Find out more in this article.
Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by a change in bowel habits, abdominal pain, and the absence of detectable organic disease. Learn natural treatments for the prevention and relief of this condition.
With the goal of fitness becoming increasingly popular, learn in this article why jogging might not be the ideal option - for both men and women. And how to use it wisely, if it's still your exercise of choice.
When the kidneys fail and waste products back up into the bloodstream, we call the condition uremia. This counseling sheet provides abundant info to treat this condition.
The problem of kidney stones is one of the oldest medical afflictions known to mankind. Today it is one of the most common diseases of the urinary system. Find out more in this article.
What are the 10 laws of health? This article lists the principles of Diet, Water, Sunshine, Purity of Life, Cleanliness, Temperance, Exercise, Rest, Air, Trust in Divine Power.
Increased intestinal permeability (also known as "leaky gut syndrome") can be associated with a variety of problems. What are its causes? What are some treatments?
There are many herbal teas that have a slight tonic effect or medicinal use. These teas can be beneficial in certain disorders. We promote familiarity with these teas and their use, instead of using the irritating teas such as pekoe, colas, and coffee.
Each person must play his own part to produce a clear mind, capable of keener perception and greater memory retention. What interferes with learning? What improves it? Find out in this article.
Medical missionary evangelists, who work as lifestyle counselors, will likely find this discussion a valued and handy reference for their daily spiritual interaction with health guests or clients.
Here is the list you have wanted! From acne and after-childbirth pain and even age spots to vitality, voice and worms, there is at least one herb that is suggested for you in this amazing list. Use it as a handy reference and keep it close for shopping trips.
Lou Gehrig's disease, scientifically named Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), has been shown to respond to natural treatments, including a healthful diet, massage, hydrotherapy, physical therapy, exercise, and more.
This list of certain positions and exercises, done on a firm surface, can easily and effectively relieve a new case of low back pain or a recent flare-up of an old problem.
America leads the world in heart disease. It is possible to prevent heart attacks (and other conditions) through proper diet and lifestyle. Find healthful recommendations in this article.
This comprehensive article outlines the characteristic symptoms of Lupus, as well as the natural remedies and healthful dietary factors involved in its treatment.
Systemic lupus erythematosus is also called SLE or simply lupus. It is a disease characterized by general symptoms and is a member of the group of diseases called "collagen diseases." Learn more in this counseling sheet.
Lyme disease, an illness which is transmitted to humans via tick bites from infected ticks, can be prevented and treated. Learn what Lyme disease is, how to prevent it, how it is diagnosed, its symptoms, and how to treat it.
The commonest cause of blindness after the age of 50 today is macular degeneration. Find out some simple natural remedies to prevent or halt its progression.
Signs of magnesium deficiency can initially develop unnoticed and may not be diagnosed (and thus the condition goes untreated) until symptoms are more obvious. Find out more in this article.
"Main Dishes" is a quick reference list for choosing foods that will supply proteins and B-vitamins. Grains, seeds, certain vegetables and tubers, legumes are the categories of foods comprising the list. This is one to save.
Malaria is caused by Plasmodium, a parasite introduced into the bloodstream by a bite from an infected female Anopheles mosquito. This article contains a list of natural treatments.
This manual provides instructions for performing the healing art of massage. It details the effects of the massage. It lists the contraindications. It discusses the work table, how to choose the location, how to prepare the client, various kinds of massages and strokes, how to apply oil and more.
This part 2 discussion of the massage provides a brief history of the healing art, the qualifications of the operator, various kinds of effects the massage has, when it is indicated, as well as the various techniques, and other general considerations.
This detailed briefing about the therapeutic massage primarily is for those who want to get serious about massage therapy or review techniques. Any reader may be encouraged and benefit from this reading to understand when massage therapy is recommended and when it is not (see "Contraindications").
Adopting a two-meal plan can certainly save time and money but also increase energy, cure irritability, and lessen the risk of developing cancer. This compilation of scientific health information explains.
Any supplementation of the diet should be done with great care, and is often associated with dangers, and unfortunately often with no improvement in the condition for which the supplements were given. Learn more in this short article.
As with other cancers, there are multiple causes, methods of prevention, and ways of treating melanoma. Learn about them all in this helpful article. Keep looking up. There is hope.
There are three different types of memory: immediate recall, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Find out in this article what hinders the settling of new material into the brain.
Do you or your loved one suffer with the challenges of menopause? Do the inconsistencies of this phase challenge your patience, your mental health? Do you wonder which foods or natural treatments are recommended now? Do you know the risks of taking hormones? Then this discussion is meant for you.
Half the world's population is expected to experience some form of mental illness, according to a 2023 report by researchers from Harvard University and the U of Queensland. Most will experience depression—some, bipolar or schizophrenia. All three are discussed here, including natural treatments.
Three cases describing the simple natural method of treating mental illness—two with schizophrenia and another suffering manic depressive psychosis—are discussed in brief, but important, detail. This is essential reading for anyone with similar challenges in their family or within their community.
Learn in this counseling sheet the difference between Infusions and Decoctions, as well as how to make an herbal formula (an example for an arthritis formula is given).
Here is a quick list for midwives to ensure they have the necessary tools needed for a home delivery. Use this list to prepare for emergencies, as well as planned deliveries.
What are some of the causes and symptoms of Migraines? Do medications work or make them worse? What are some natural treatments for migraines? Freely share.