Virtual Wellness Conference

Better Health
Simple. Effective. Inexpensive.

Learn simple, effective, inexpensive ways to reverse diabetes, manage stress, improve sleep, create herbal preparations, cook healthfully, and much more with our doctors, lifestyle practitioners, and lifestyle counselors by joining a 5-day Virtual Wellness Conference.
Next Conference
November 1, 2024
Conference Price

Uchee Pines Institute is excited to offer a 5-day Virtual Wellness Conference that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home. We take 50 years of expertise in applying lifestyle interventions and natural remedies in the prevention and reversal of disease and bring that expertise to you in a virtual format.


Nearly 30 hours of information, of which over 18 hours are live meetings with Q&A time at the end of each meeting.
  • Diabetes
  • Benefits of Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Cooking Demos
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Cancer
  • Plant-based Diet
  • Bread Baking
  • And more . . .
  • Morning Walks
  • Stress Management
  • Natural Remedies
  • Addictions

In addition to this information, you will take a walk each morning with one of our staff members and learn as they give you tours of Uchee Pines’ campus and speak to you about health.

In total, we will spend nearly 30 hours together during the 5-day Virtual Wellness Conference. Over 18 of those hours will involve live meetings, while the remainder will involve watching prerecorded videos. You will have the opportunity to ask questions after each of the live meetings, and we will give you the opportunity to download the slides that go along with each presentation. Each meeting will be recorded so that you can watch them again during the conference. We will also be providing a number of cookbooks, health books, and a menu plan in PDF format for you to download and use at any time.

Basic Requirements

You will need a computer (Mac or PC) or mobile device (Android/Apple phone or tablet) with good internet access. Our platform is simple and can be quickly and easily learned. However, a basic knowledge of web/computer use is required as there are aspects of the program that require basic understanding of web navigation. All of our live events are delivered through Zoom’s platform, therefore you may want to have the app installed ahead of time.


As you can see, the 5-day Virtual Wellness Conference involves a time commitment of about six hours each day on average. If you plan to work while you attend this session, please recognize that you will not be able to participate in all of the meetings and opportunities that are available. However, all of the live meetings, except for the Morning Walk, will be recorded and posted for those who missed it or would like to revisit the presentation.

The materials (the day’s web page, downloads, videos, and platform for live meetings) will become available in the early morning of that day and will remain available during the remainder of the conference. Once the conference is over, the materials will no longer be available for download or viewing.

Uchee Pines Institute operates in the Eastern Time Zone, so all meeting times listed are in reference to Eastern Time Zone. If you are in another time zone, please plan your schedule accordingly.

Virtual Wellness Conference Schedule

(Monday - Friday)
November 1, 2024
November 22, 2024

Daily Schedule

Eastern Time Zone. Schedule subject to change.


9:00am - 9:30am
Welcome & Orientation Live
10:00am - 11:15am
Sleep Live
11:30am - 12:15pm
Stress Management, Part 1 Live
4:30pm - 5:30pm
"The Greatest Need During the Storm" Live
Prerecorded Video
Laws of Health
Prerecorded Video
Natural Remedies


8:00am - 8:45am
Morning Walk Live
9:00am - 10:15am
Cancer Live
2:30pm - 3:45pm
Health-based Diet Live
4:30pm - 5:30pm
"A Lesson from Hezekiah, Part 1" Live
Prerecorded Video
Hands-on Nutrition: Raw Rewards


8:00am - 8:45am
Morning Walk Live
9:00am - 10:15am
Benefits of Exercise Live
2:30pm - 3:45pm
Addictions Live
4:30pm - 5:30pm
"A Lesson from Hezekiah, Part 2" Live
Prerecorded Video
Hands-on Nutrition: Protein


8:00am - 8:45am
Morning Walk Live
9:00am - 10:15am
Diabetes Live
11:30am - 12:15pm
Stress Management, Part 2 Live
4:30pm - 5:30pm
"The Secret to Complete Repentance" Live
Prerecorded Video
Hands-on Nutrition: Dairy


8:00am - 8:45am
Morning Walk Live
11:15am - 12:30pm
"Why Me?" & Farewell Live
Prerecorded Video
Hands-on Nutrition: Breakfast
Prerecorded Video
Bread Baking

Refund Policy

You may receive a refund up until the first day of the conference for which you have registered. No refund will be given once the conference begins. Also, if you forget to attend your scheduled conference, you may not receive a refund nor transfer your registration to another date.


What are others saying who have already completed the 5-day (previously 6-day) Virtual Wellness Conference?

Thank you so much. This session was literally EVERYTHING I needed right now!

Thank you so much! Very fulfilling. Richly rewarding.”

Thank you for this week and for your work! I hope to have the opportunity to see you some day. May God bless you all! I appreciated each of the speakers.”

I am sad that these sessions are over.”

It’s sad to see the week end—a wonderful blessing!

Thank you for everything! It was very useful and resourceful. God bless you all.”

I signed up for Virtual Lifestyle 6-day Online Session at the recommendation of a friend. It’s the best $20 I have ever spent. I would encourage everyone to sign up for such a seminar as it has been such a HUGE blessing for me. Even if I only implement one thing learned it will make a positive difference in my life! Thanks to the team!

I took the 6-day Virtual Lifestyle Sessions 2 weeks ago and it changed my life. Not only did I learn about the most common diseases and their prevention and treatments, but I learned about mental and emotional healing. For the past couple of years, I have had a large interest in nutrition, improving my personal health [or] so I thought. When I saw Uchee Pines was holding this online session, I thought it was the perfect opportunity since I could do it from the comfort of my home.

I took the class so I could learn how to live a better life (physically—wanting to lose some weight), and help my mother reverse diabetes, but I didn’t realize I would come out knowing I needed to prioritize my time with God, and He would take care of all my struggles. I was an emotional mess in the beginning of the class, and finished the class feeling refreshed and truly happy. [I found a] joy I didn’t think I could find. I learned that 90% of diseases come from the mind and I knew I needed to take care of that before anything else. 2 weeks later and I’m still feeling great, spending my mornings with God, being happy with my husband and kids, and making adjustments to my diet, based off what I learned in class. (And the pounds have been coming off without really trying, which is a plus!) From the bottom of my heart, I recommend this class to all. You won’t regret it!