Counseling Sheet

Things Overweight People Have In Common

Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.

Preventive Medicine

  • They do not have adequate exercise. Twenty minutes daily is the minimum amount for maintenance. For weight loss, have hours of useful labor daily. Out-of-doors exercise makes available the negative ions, which are ten (10) times more abundant outdoors than indoors.
  • Many take bites that are too big, eat too fast, and chew poorly.
  • Many are breakfast skippers or breakfast skimpers. Industrial accidents are much more common when breakfast is omitted. School performance is inferior. Snacking on fatty or empty foods becomes a habit.
  • Overweight people like refined foods (usually white in the uncolored state—sugar, polished rice, white grain products as macaroni, spaghetti, starch, biscuits, rolls, bread, etc.; free fats; concentrated proteins as milk powders, meat substitutes, textured or dried protein products).
  • They use fermented, putrefied, or aged products such as vinegar, mayonnaise, pickles, mustard, alcohol, cheese, and overripe fruit.
  • Salt is used freely (recommended use: up to one teaspoon a day).
  • They like caffeine-containing drinks and other stimulants.
  • Overweight people often use stomach irritants (see handout). Stomach irritants cause cravings to develop. Most overweight people do not have a definite satiety level, or an appreciation of thirst. Chronic thirst is mistaken for hunger.
  • They do not understand the proper use of willpower and the steps necessary to resist temptation.
  • Turn decidedly and immediately from any temptation, even to the point of running from the kitchen.
  • Prompt action is needed to properly exercise the will.


A rule of thumb to follow to determine your desirable weight is to figure 100 pounds for the first 5 feet of height. A man should add 6 to 7 pounds for each inch above 5 feet, and a woman should add 5 pounds for each inch above 5 feet.

EXAMPLE: A 6-foot man would figure 100 pounds for his first 5 feet, and 72 pounds for 12 more inches at 6 pounds per inch, making 172 pounds his desirable weight. Subtract one pound for each year under age 25.

Contact Us For More Information

Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875