Counseling Sheet

Therapeutic Abdominal Massage

(Home Remedies, p. 139)

It is beneficial if patient drinks a glass of warm water before massage begins. Also, a high fiber diet of fruits, vegetables, and grains is recommended to prevent constipation. The addition of 2-4 Tbs. of wheat bran and flaxseed to the diet, taken at meal times, may also help. A daily exercise routine, preferably outdoors, should be maintained for even further beneficial results.

1. Deep breathing exercises, 3 x daily

Full inspiration—hold for 20 counts—repeat 20 times

Full exhalation—hold for 10 counts—repeat 20 times

2. The Mosher exercise—(see Home Remedies, p. 139:b)

3. Superficial and deep stroking of abdomen

4. Reflexive effleurage (circular friction)

Begin from cecum to transverse to descending colon

Repeat 8 - 10 times.

5. Deep, long stroking, over same area as in #4 above

6. Abdominal kneading, using palms or fingers

7. Percussion

Begin from ascending to transverse to descending colon—using pads of fingers of one hand or alternating hands

8. Soothe abdomen with 4 stroking movements as in #3

9. Vibration, start at umbilicus, then over the 4 quadrants of the abdomen (See Home Remedies, p. 139:f)

10. Kneading and stroking as above to end massage on abdomen

11. Deep stroking of lumbosacral area and spine

Give pressure over sacrum, hold 18 seconds.

Repeat 3 times.

Percuss over lumbosacral spine and paraspinal muscles.

Soothe with deep and superficial strokes.

Contact Us For More Information

Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875