Counseling Sheet

Standards of Association

Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Preventive Medicine

Whereas Uchee Pines Institute seeks to uphold and practice the highest Christian principles, the following select statements regarding social relations and the association of the sexes comprise the basis of conduct to be approved and adhered to by all workers, students, and guests of the Institute, and are offered as a stimulus for further study into the subject:

"The liberties taken in this age of corruption should be no criterion for Christ's followers. These fashionable exhibitions of familiarity should not exist among Christians fitting for immortality." (AH 329).

"This is a fast age. Little boys and girls commence paying attentions to one another when they should both be in the nursery, taking lessons in modesty of deportment.... The corrupting doctrine which has prevailed, that, as viewed from a health standpoint, the sexes must mingle together, has done its mischievous work." (2T 482).

"While at school, students should not allow their minds to become confused by thoughts of courtship. They are there to gain a fitness to work for God, and this thought is ever to be uppermost." (CT 100),

"A youth not out of his teens is a poor judge of the fitness of a person as young as himself to be his companion for life." (5T 109).

"I do not wish to have you disappointed in regard to Battle Creek. The rules are strict there. No courting is allowed." (5T 109).

"Let not those who profess the religion of Christ descend to trifling conversation, to unbecoming familiarity with women of any class, whether married or single. Let them keep their proper places with all dignity." (CH 294).

"All frivolity, all undue attention of men and women, must be condemned and discontinued." (Spec. Test., Series 3, p. 6).

"We have labored hard to keep in check everything in the school like favoritism, attachments, and courting. We have told the students that we would not allow the first thread of this to be interwoven with their school work. On this point we are as firm as a rock, I told them they must dismiss all ideas of forming attachments while at school. The young ladies must keep themselves to themselves, and the young gentlemen must do the same (Spec. Test. to the Managers and Workers in our Institutions, Pacific Press, 4-18-1898) [Selected from Taylor's Outline Studies of the Testimonies, 1925 Edition, p. 121]

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Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875