Counseling Sheet


There are very few things we know for certain about schizophrenia, but here are some things we do know.

  • For those who have auditory hallucinations, learning how to sing, and singing with gusto, can prevent hearing voices.
  • It has been observed that persons who yawn a lot tend not to have schizophrenia. We try to encourage yawning among our schizophrenic patients just in case it might somehow help.
  • In studies done in Veterans Hospitals in the 1950s, fever treatments were found to enable a high percentage of formerly disabled patients to return to active employment. The fever treatments are described in our book HOME REMEDIES which can be obtained through Country Life at (706) 323-9194.
  • No caffeinated beverages, or even decaffeinated ones, should ever be taken, as these deteriorate into homogentisic acid which is known to be excreted in larger quantities in schizophrenics than in normal people. In our opinion, these beverages can be a part of the cause of schizophrenia in susceptible people. That would include also colas, tea, coffee, and chocolate, and medications containing caffeine.
  • Refined carbohydrates, refined fats, and refined protein are all harmful to the health of the brain, and contraindicated in persons who have emotional problems.
  • It is essential to have these individuals go to bed early, at least by 9:30 in the evening, and preferably between 8:30 and 9:00, and to sleep no more than nine hours. Between seven and eight hours is ideal.
  • Certain herbal remedies can be of great help. Persons with schizophrenia should experiment with herbs, as each case may respond somewhat differently. The herbs we recommend are hops, catnip, skullcap, Valerian root and chamomile. We prefer to give three together, as the response is usually better with a combination of several than to only one.
  • In schizophrenics, masturbation is often a serious problem. Since it is engaged in secretly, others may not be able to discover the problem. Scientifically, the practice has not been condemned, but there are certain zinc compounds lost in genital fluids which are also used in the brain for nerve transmission. Perhaps their loss leads to altered nerve transmission.
  • Exercise is essential to best mental health. Purposeful labor is best if the patient is able. Gardening for 1 to 3 hours daily is the best exercise. If gardening is not available, the person should walk to tolerance daily (1/2 to 2 hours), head up, breathing deeply. Use a deep breathing exercise once daily. Take a deep breath through the nose and hold it for a slow count of 20; exhale fully through the nose and hold the breath out for the slow count of 10. Repeat 10 to 40 times. This may be done while driving, walking or during other activities. Tension and stress are relieved through exercise.
  • Some patients with schizophrenia have been found to have low blood levels of magnesium. Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) should be tried in levels just under that which will cause diarrhea. For most people that means 1 to 3 teaspoons per day. Start with the lower dose. It can be obtained from a drug store without prescription.

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Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875