Counseling Sheet

Depression Routine

Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Preventive Medicine

Too much leisure frequently causes depression. Jealousy, being unappreciated, a lack of genuine religion, too much work, anticipating future problems, and stimulating amusements. To avoid depression follow these suggestions:

  • Strict regularity for the time of meals, using no food or drinks between meals. Omit all evening food, retiring only after digestion is complete.
  • Guard against over-eating or under-eating. A depression settles on the mind after too much food.
  • "Calming diet." No stimulating or irritating foods such as hot pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg; vinegar and anything made with vinegar such as pickles, mayonnaise, catsup, mustard, etc.; foods having a fermenting, putrefying, or rotting phase in processing, such as sauerkraut, cheese, soy sauce, and similar products; baking soda and baking powder products; caffeine, theobromine (from coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate), and nicotine. Limit all concentrated foods, even wheat germ, margarine, dried skim milk, and all animal products. Take plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Use some nuts, but be sparing.
  • Eliminate sugar, honey, dried or very sweet fruits and vegetables, and coconut while the depression lasts.
  • Eat freely of foods that are high in B-vitamins, such as greens, legumes, and whole grains. The B-vitamins are called "good disposition vitamins."
  • Do skin stimulation with a stiff brush before a daily cool shower. Finish with a cold spray over the adrenal areas of the back at the end of each bath or shower.
  • Be regular in bedtime, arising time, elimination, study periods, etc. Regularity in all things is essential.
  • Take a sunbath daily, weather permitting.
  • Deep breathing exercises.
  • Brisk walk, head up, face cheerful, correct breathing, good posture. Walk in nature an hour or more each day.
  • Push a graduated exercise program. Gardening with bare feet and hands in the soil may be helpful to some.
  • Check transit time, the length of time your intestinal tract requires to process 8-10 charcoal tablets or 3 teaspoons of sesame seed, from the hour you take them until the last of the marker appears in the stool.
  • Laboratory work (PBI, blood sugar, Hct, T-4).
  • Control talking carefully: not too much, not too little, only about cheerful subjects; not about self or a single subject.
  • Never give into a gloomy thought.
  • Develop a daily program of Bible study and prayer. Learn to control thoughts, and to dwell on heavenly themes.

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Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875