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Chair Massage

Ten Minute Tune-Up
A chair massage could be a good substitute when a regular massage (with body parts unclothed) would be inappropriate or inconvenient. This can be more easily done in a public setting (at work, social gatherings, etc.).
The massage procedures listed below
- reduce tension
- increase circulation in the head, neck, shoulders, and upper back
- in many cases, help relieve a headache
The massage subject should be sitting comfortably, preferably in a chair where the head and upper back are in easy access.
Both feet should be fully supported on the floor or on a firm surface.
All extra clothing should be removed such as jacket, tie, etc.
Contact Us For More Information
Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875
Call 1-334-855-4764