12 Steps to Recovery

Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Preventive Medicine
The following covenant is based upon the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous and is useful in correcting any unwanted obsessive, compulsive, or habitual behavior.
In order to receive God's help, I must realize my weakness and deficiency and apply my mind to the great change to be done in me. I must arouse to earnest and persevering prayer and effort. Wrong habits and customs must be shaken off. It is only by determined endeavor to correct these errors and to conform to right principles that the victory can be gained.
1. I recognize my helpless and hopeless condition, and that my life is out of control in regard to (temper, gossip, food, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, drugs, etc.).
2. If there is help for me it can come only through You who can give me a balanced Christian life.
3. Therefore, I throw myself on Your mercy to take my will and my life. Take my will for I am willing to be made willing to change.
4. Help me, Loving Father, to search my mind for any sin that will separate me from You. Help me to have the revelation by Your Holy Spirit of all my hidden sins and defects.
5. Help me to call my sins fearlessly by their exact names.
6. Make me entirely ready to have You remove all these defects of character and my sins and compulsions which I do from habit.
7. Help me, Father, to work tirelessly with You to remove my shortcomings and mold my life over again.
8. I cannot remember everyone I have harmed, and I am asking You to make me remember and be willing to make amends to them all.
9. I shall, with Your help, courageously go to meet such people wherever possible and confess my wrong dealing with them and repair that damage, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. I am continuing to take personal inventory, and when I am wrong, promptly to admit it.
11. I am seeking through prayer, Bible study, and meditation to improve my conscious contact with You. I am praying only for knowledge of Your will and for my ability to take hold of His grace to carry it out.
12. I am praying for a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps. I am trying to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all my situations and relationships.
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30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875